Church History

Bethlehem Baptist Church was founded in 1891 by Rev. Henry Wright. Worship Services were held on the fairgrounds where the present church now stands. The church was chartered on January 3, 1902 and the first two lots were purchased in February 1902 for a price of seventy-five dollars. The deed was delivered to Rev. Wright on march 20, 1902.

Among the pastors who served for an undetermined period of time were Rev. Wright, Rev. Griffin, Ref. Ham, Rev. J.W. Simmons, and Rev. Hines. Some of our early Deacons were Deacon Williams, Deacon Green, Deacon Smith and Deacon Sherald. Deacon Green served as the Choir Leader and the early Mothers organized the Missionary Society.

In 1945, Rev. N.A. Cato was called to be the Under Shepherd of the Church. He served from 1945 to 1954. The church joined the State Convention and the National Convention under his administration. Our membership grew an the Church was rebuilt. The first 1000 bricks were donated to the church by the late sister Mary V. Moore and Bell Smith. The membership was moved from the Little Pee Dee Association to the Big Pee Dee Association. The Junior Choir was also organized. God call Rev. Cato home before the church was completed.

Rev. Ervin Dixon was called to serve as pastor and under his leadership, the first Vacation Bible School was started. The Church was completed and the pulpit furniture and pews were purchased. The Church was also landscaped.

Rev. C.V. Bellamy served as Pastor from 1960 to 1962. Rev. Bellamy will always be remembered as an energetic preacher.

Rev. E.F. Mathis was called to serve in 1962. He served from 1962 to 1968. Under this Pastor, the Young Adult Choir was organized. A.B.T.U. was established. An additional lot, piano, flag and cross was purchased. The Church was remodeled and carpeted.

Rev. D.J. Lunn served as our shepherd from 1968 to 1974. Under his pasturage the Male Choir was organized. Some of the accomplishments under Rev. Lunn was the educational building was built and furnished, and the heating and air condition furnaces were installed. During his administration, three deacons were ordained and a public address system was installed. The membership increased greatly.

Rev. C. Duren, Jr. accepted the call to serve in 1975. He served from 1975 to 1987. His pastorate marked a prosperous era in the history of Bethlehem. The following organizations were formed under his administration: The Willing workers Club, Hospitality Club, and Bible Study Class. The mortgage was paid off and the adjoining house and lot were purchased. A new public address system was installed, an electric range, freezer, refrigerator, riding lawn mover, candelabras, flower vases and a piano were also purchased. Women were added to the trustee board.

Rev. H.K. Phillips, Sr. accepted the call to serve in April 1988-2018. Under his leadership, the Bernice Dobbins Missionary Circle was formed. The Sanctuary renovated, cushioned pews, new carpeting, new ceiling, new windows, new flags were purchased by Dorothy Dingle and Julia Curry. Deacons were ordained and added to the board, accepted one Deacon transferring from another Church. Many members joined, were baptized, reinstated back home. A copy machine purchased, the H.K. Phillips Choir, a heating and cooling system installed in the Fellowship Hall. A new sanctuary was built and van purchased.